Friday, April 26, 2013


My favourite time of day to write is just before dawn. I thrive on the still and quiet of early morning. When it's just me and the birds up early, something stirs within and I find my creative muse. Truth be told, she's actually there before I get out of bed. I search the skyline looking for the first traces of daylight... The birds tell me its a new day but my eyes feel deceived...Are the stars still out? 

I crawl out of bed, and on chilly mornings reheat the water bottle before heading up to the barn which serves as both my office (as a magazine editor) and my writing room. The view in front of me is of the Pennines, trees and green fields. This is how I start the day... When my early morning writing is undisturbed and peaceful, it feels as if the whole day has a beautiful blueprint established.

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